Social media is a powerful tool, especially for a business. And its not going anywhere. If you are hesitant about jumping on the bandwagon…just go ahead and do it. Over time social media is going to keep more and more impactful for your business & even your personal world. However, the main drawback with social media is the immense comparing that can go on. We can get so focused on the number of followers, likes, and shout outs that we start comparing ourself to others. How do they get so many likes?! Speaking openly here, I have done that. I will post a sweet picture (in my bias opinion) and I will hardly get any likes. Or I will post a “okay” picture and it gets the most!! WHAT?!? Is it bad that I get frustrated about that (hold back the judgement!!)?!

Social media can quickly cause you to compare yourself to and/or judge others. No one has it easy. No one is perfect. Everyone is on their own journey – they probably took 10 pictures to get the “insta worthy” one (don’t we all do that?!).

One tip of advice if you want to gain followers and keep the ones you have – post things that you would want to see. If you are taking pictures of your food that looks like slop (all the time), no one is going to stick around. I personally photo that are visually enticing & inspirational. Again, I am just speaking personally but if you are super negative, I usually won’t stick around. Just a thought, take it or leave it!


Connect with Brittany: Instagram // Pinterest // Twitter

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