When I was browsing Instagram the other day (as I do too often!) I saw someone post a picture of a NYC building with the statement, “You can’t launch new ideas with old thinking.” Honestly, when I read it, something in the inside of me started to stir. I’ve heard similar statements before , but when I read it, it came at a perfect time. As an entrepreneur, ideas are always flowing & it can be hard to keep up with them. The day & life of tasks and meetings start to take precedent over the creative ideas that have been inhabiting within us for sometime.

Have you ever wanted to launch a new component of your company but couldn’t let the past failure die?
Wanted to change your industry with an idea, but were too scared because of what people might think?
Or have you wanted to start a blog or write a book but too afraid that no one will read it?

I have. We all have. But its time to change our thinking.

Old thinking can be related to fear because the ‘new’ ideas and thinking have failed in the past. Or you’ve been doing something for so long now, that you are operating out of repetition and not passion.

We have all been faced with things that stop us in our tracks but as a creative entrepreneur, you can’t let the voices of a few hecklers stop you from imparting to the many.

Any time I have wanted to do something new, I’ve had 3 thoughts that immediately followed. “Its going to be too hard”, “I could probably do it but is it worth it?”,” If I spend so much time on my new idea, my other things that are working may fail.”

From experiences I’ve learned that anything worth value requires work. Dreams don’t work unless we do. Long hours come with the job,but the pay off is priceless. If you truly love your craft, gifts, and skills you’ve been given it won’t even feel like work. All of the game changers in the world failed, worked hard, and brought new ideas to life. Now it’s time for you get up and change the world!

I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones. – John Cage

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